Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Chit Chat

The food list posts were brief but presented a basis for the Solar Nutrition time periods which offer the greatest nutritional benefit from our food.  I am hoping your curiosity was peaked enough that you will go to the internet for a more detailed look at Solar Nutrition.

I am not following a strict Solar Nutrition program at this point.  I do prefer to eat my fruit in the mornings but I also have oatmeal and some dry cereals on hand.  I use oat or almond milk for my dry cereals.  I try to keep blueberries and blackberries on hand to add to my dry cereal.  While it is best to eat your fruit alone and before other foods, I have been known to ignore that fact from time to time:)

My lunches and dinners vary from small roasted yukon potatoes with carrots and garlic bulbs to beans and rice to a baked sweet potato to a very large salad with a selection of raw veggies mixed in.  Sometimes I open a can of chili that has spelt and beans and a great taste or I will have a bowl of miso soup.  I don't work from daily or weekly menus.  I prefer to choose as I become hungry or as my body indicates its desire for certain tastes and/or nutrients.  When in doubt as to what is going on where food is concerned, I pull out my trusty pendulum and start asking questions.

I like my salads to have lots of color. Some of the items I try to have on hand are several different types of lettuce, jicama, cucumber, tomato, celery, carrots, water chestnuts, baby corn, snap peas, scallions, asparagus, broccoli, red cabbage and cauliflower. There is a broccoli slaw mix that is great to add...very crunchy. Naturally I don’t use all of them in one salad, but it is nice to have a variety of items to choose from.

The Solar Nutrition list of night foods comprises most of my favorites.  Have to be careful of too much starch because I could live on potatoes.  A good mixture of cooked bok choy, carrots, potatoes, onions, celery served over brown rice with a bit of Braggs Amino Acids and nutritional yeast sprinkled on it is very satisfying to my pallet.

Next post will let you in on what my pantry and fridge and freezer look like.  I am going to mention some of the brands I have chosen to use because I know their reputation and because they contain no or very few calories from fat.  They are almost all organic and contain no preservatives or chemicals.  I keep the calories from fat from 0 to 10 or 15 at the most on any canned, frozen or packaged item I buy.

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